Tuesday, April 10, 2007

In The Begining.....

Welcome to the birth of the newly revised, revisted and well down right new WSVA zine we lovingly call Xzyqunity (zic-you-ni-tee). Why you ask? why such a strange and lengthy name sure to cause confusion and teasing on the playground? surely your concerned for our new little kid, dont want it to get too harsh a punishment from other baby zines who just dont understand. Well first off, we here at WSVA thank you for your concern of our hatchling. Secondly, and more to the point, it comes from a very long story that was once relayed to me about a lonely day at the station. The staff was feeling particularly literary (or illiterate, you chose) and after a long discusion of wordly deeds, peace on earth and good will towards the thing we call song, it was decided that our blog must have a name encompasing both our undying love of music and our grandious ideals of unity. Thus, somehow, Xzyquinty was formed. still fuzzy on it? well dont strain your brain too hard. Instead, sit back, and enjoy the random music oriented ramblings of your trusty WSVA staffers.
Thank you, and goodnight.

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